Sunday, January 10, 2010

Show Your Love

Friday, January 8, 2010

Greatest Love Presents Show Your Love Event

Greatest Love is proud to present "Show Your Love" event. A 10 day event exclusive to Greatest Love hunters and vendors. This is not a hunt! How to show your love! Hunters just visit vendor stores and make a purchase or give a gift donation to the vendor for all their hunt gifts they have given you over the past couple years. Vendors join the hunter group so you can give our faithful administrators and hunters a gift that has been exclusively made for The Greatest Love Groups. Don't forget to give each other gifts in the To participate in this exclusive event please send your application notecard to AnneAlyce Maertens. Name the notecard "GL Show Your Love Event - (your name)" Include the following information in the notecard. Your name, store name, slurl, full perm lm , and store logo and/or blog url (optional.)
Note: The Greatest Love Group for hunters will be open for new members 10 days before the event and will be closed during the event. This is your chance to grab your friends and have them join the hunter group. A notecard with LM to participating vendors will be given to hunters 24 hours prior to the event beginning.